Death Benefit
In the event of a claim on the death of the life insured, R3 500,00 will be paid to your executor in respect of the executor’s fees as a lump sum. The R3 500,00 will not necessarily be the same amount as the actual executor’s fee. In the case where the actual executor’s/administrator’s fee is more than the R3 500,00 lump sum, the outstanding fee will be recouped from your estate. The minimum executor fee payable is R3 500,00.
Fixed Monthly Benefit
The selected monthly amount will be paid for 12 consecutive months to the surviving nominated beneficiary.
What options of the monthly benefit are available?
The selected monthly amount chosen will determine the premium payable – the application form has more details

This is a low cost risk life policy designed to assist in paying executor fees when your estate is wound up and paying a beneficiary a monthly income for 12 months to assist them whilst your estate is being wound up.